Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Cycling 74's MaxMSP

One of the programs we're using for this course, MaxMSP, is available as a free 30-day demo from You can download all the documentation for free as well. Please go here to download.

For Monday, please try to work through the first few MSP tutorials; if you can get all the way to Tutorial 6, that would be terrific. Both the tutorial patches and pdf files are found in the Documentation folder; the pdf file you need is called MSP46TutorialsAndTopics.pdf. You're also welcome to look through the Max tutorials as well, which are useful since they are more basic. Remember, the "Max" part of the program is for control data (things like on/off, addition/subtraction, etc.), while the "MSP" part of the program is for audio data, at 44.1 kHz; all of the MSP objects have a ~ after their name.

And finally, we would like you all to read the first chapter of the text for this course, Dave Benson's Music: A Mathematical Offering, available here as a free pdf file.

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